What is an affirmation?

More and more people are becoming aware that thoughts really do help make things happen on the physical plane. For example, in the body an embarrassed thought provokes a blush. Imagining yourself biting into a lemon will probably make your mouth water. Simple examples, sure, but a good way to illustrate the point that ideas can have distinct physical effects.

By using affirmations, it is possible to “re-program” some negative thoughts towards effects you’d like to see in your emotions or in your body. You’d be amazed at the changes people can make using affirmations. Often, the best affirmations are the ones you write for yourself, in your own language, directed towards your specific issues. But The Pocket Midwife can get you started in a powerful way!

Thoughts are road maps: Everything accomplished by humans began with a thought. It’s been said that whether you think you can do something or think you can’t—you’re right. The use of affirmations is a simple way to provoke specific positive thoughts for yourself. They’re a way to choose your own station on the radio—instead of just listening to the pre-sets.

Affirmations can make positive things happen. In fact, affirmations are purposefully crafted in positive language—”I easily accomplish…” rather than “I no longer struggle with…”—and as though the desired outcome is already present on the physical plane in the here and now: “I gratefully receive…” rather than “I will get…” 

If you find you have a lot of resistance to an affirmation, (like, you say to yourself something like  “Oh, golly, there’s no way THAT one’s true,”) sometimes it’s helpful to spend time exploring those particular thoughts in more depth. What/whose voices speak up when you see something you deeply desire? These objections are useful! They give you a place to start to create your own custom affirmation program. Once you identify your fear—your particular inner block—you can turn it upside down and state it positively for yourself.

Copyright 2022 by Susan Fekety

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